Full cinematic mod half life 2 download
Full cinematic mod half life 2 download

full cinematic mod half life 2 download

> Cinematic Soundtrack (Valve Original Soundtrack takes place when disabled) + Enhanced the configurator: Now you can enable/disable the following features: In the video config tab or disable the new settings with mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0", especially with low-end monitors and bad blacklevels. This gives a slightly darker image with more vibrant colors and more defined details but you should re-adjust your brightness settings + Added the following settings to the autoexec.bat files (found in cfg subdirs) "1" ) - Toggle the new buggy headlight feature (HL2 only) "ff_enable_vehicle_headlight" = "1" ( def. "ff_staretime" = "15" - Necessary time in seconds, until Alyx reacts to staring. "ff_new_running" = "1" - 0=Off, 1=On (Default), Enables head bobbing and prevents weapons use while running "ff_ironsight_disable_weapon_lowering" = "1" - Disables automatic Weapon lowering while in ironsight mode.

full cinematic mod half life 2 download

"ff_ironsight_disable_crosshair" = "1" - Disables the crosshair while in ironsight mode. Crosshair alpha was be set to zero in hudlayout.res "ff_ironsight_hide_quickinfo" = "1" - Disables the quickinfo HUD element. R_headlightfar "3000" - Maximum length for buggy headlight

full cinematic mod half life 2 download

R_flashlightfov "65" - players flashlight cone field of view R_flashlightfar "1000" - Maximum length for player flashlight (1 = On / 0 = Off) Default: Off, because of shadow cut errors "1" ) - Enables dynamic shadows with buggy headlight. "FF_vehicle_dynamicflashlight" = "0" ( def. "60.0" ) - Vertical headlight cone for buggy. "FF_vehicle_flashlightfov_v" = "60" ( def. "120.0" ) - Horizontal headlight cone for buggy. "FF_vehicle_flashlightfov_h" = "120" ( def. + Added several CVARS for console-tweaking the new features: + Added optional hightech-style HD-Combines (available with the character pimper) + Added Ironsight (bind the ironsight key with the ingame options) + Numerous improvements in several maps (HL2 / EP1 / EP2) + Added Buggy headlights and increased flashlight (mainly because of the new night time coast levels) If you want the old-style daytime coast levels, just copy the map files from "daytime" (inside HL2 maps folder), but i strongly recommend to give the new night levels a try. This is fixing the time leap from Ravenholm to Coast. + Added the complete HL2 buggy-coast sequence at nighttime. Reapply the models with Character Pimper, if you want to use them. + Added V70 HD models with advanced jigglebones.

Full cinematic mod half life 2 download