Windy city dragon boat club
Windy city dragon boat club

windy city dragon boat club

The Victoria Foundation also recently donated to the temple, and there was a dinner held by Charlayne Thornton-Joe, a former city councillor in Victoria and facilities coordinator at the Chinese Canadian Museum. “We have to pay everything upfront first, and they reimburse us after the work is done,” Butz said. That grand total is intimidating, but fortunately for Tam Kung Temple, the Victoria City Heritage Trust has dedicated $200,000 – but only after the work is already completed.

windy city dragon boat club

“So we were facing this daunting task, and then the engineers came back with a $650,000 cost.” “It’s because of the age of the building,” said Butz.

windy city dragon boat club

She said the roof and windows are leaking, ruining the floors and balcony. Nora Butz has been the president of the temple for more than 10 years. 23, it’s holding a fundraiser for much-needed restorations. Tam Kung Temple in Victoria is the country’s oldest Chinese temple.

Windy city dragon boat club